Sewing · Sewing for Miss M

Easter dress (yes, really)

I still can’t believe it has been over two months since Easter…

This year, I had quite a couple of “Easter dresses” candidates ready for my girl, so it wasn’t easy to choose the one she actually wore to church.

Nevertheless, when Rachel posted here on customizing Oliver+S patterns (just a couple of days before Easter) I was immediately inspired. Working full-time, I must admit I didn’t have the time to get all the supplies I needed for making one of these lovely versions (and I do want/need to sew a couple of them right away), but I was inspired to sew a Garden Party dress with just a minor mod 😉

I could be more happy about it: Easter dress The Liberty print (Betsy Turquoise. Love it!) was waiting for the right “project” and I always have some trimmings ready to be used in my cupboard, so this actually a easy to pull-off project. I even had the pattern pieces already cut off and ready to go (This dress is a size 7). Although to be honest, I was literally sewing the back button as we headed off the door.

DSC_0499 I had already sewn this pattern before (coincidentally, it was also last year Easter dress), so I knew this was going to be great fit on her. I know that in a few years time, she will be asking for different dresses (or no dresses at all), but for now I keep enjoying sewing her pretty girly dresses (with no pink in sight!). DSC_0513 Two months after it was first worn, this is still one of my favorite dresses in her closet (sorry, I’m extremely partial about this particular Liberty print).

She loves to wear it (and it’s been worn a lot), and it looks as suitable for a formal occasion as for a stroll in the city.
Again, the most difficult part? Pictures 😉 DSC_0775I just couldn’t get the colors right for the indoor pictures and a photo session in the park was probably not the most clever idea (too much green involved!!). DSC_0768 Oh well, I’m confident you can actually see beyond that 😉

It’s such a lovely Easter/Spring dress 🙂 DSC_0770 Happy sewing, Ana Sofia

14 thoughts on “Easter dress (yes, really)

  1. Your title had me smiling….we have TWO Easter dresses still in progress!!! Now, we are just hoping they will fit when they are finally completed…. LOVE that Liberty too, and your mods are PERFECT!!

  2. Your dresses sewn for your “growing” girl are always LOVELY! This Liberty of London print is beautiful, indeed! I look forward to your postings as your innate sewing talents together with your keen sense of pattern and colors! Thanks! Sarah in Minneapolis

  3. Wow, cette robe pique les yeux! Ce Liberty est sublime!!! Oui, déjà deux mois depuis Pâques… OMIGOD, ça passe trop vite!!!!

  4. The dress is lovely and the fabric print don’t even need a comment, right? I don’t really mind waiting two months for you to share, it’s worth it 😉
    (also have garden party dresses to make for my girls. Bought the pattern last year (!!) and now that they were invited to a garden party, thought it was about time. Just not sure if I should make the dress or the tunic version!)

    1. I still need to make the tunic version – last year dress still fits her (it’s a tad bit short, but she can pull it off). Can’t wait to see your (two) versions 😉

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