
Refashion Week at House of Estrela

I’m not the best candidate for refashion clothes as much of my own clothes are actually worn to exhaustion (i.e. usually not good enough to refashion) and my kid’s clothes are usually (with a very few exceptions) handed-down to other children.

Obviously, I still have my husband clothes – and these usually are in a pretty good shape – but with older kids (meaning bigger sizes and more fabric involved), refashion becomes more of a challenge.

Yet, when my friend Magda, from House of Estrela, invited to her mini version of the Refashion Month Series I couldn’t say no (and I had actually done it before!). Especially because she had planned a whole week of refashion with Portuguese bloggers only! And, trust me, these ladies sure know how to refashion 🙂

For my refashion project, I decided to use a knit dress that was gifted to my daughter a couple of months ago. She didn’t like the dress and the style didn’t actually suit her. Nevertheless, I decided to keep it because the knit fabric was extremely nice – great color, medium-weight and so soft inside, but it was actually stashed away in her closet (hence the wrinkles).


The main issue was the front placket: wonky stitching and military-style buttons, really didn’t appeal to any of us. I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to stitching and although I’m much more flexibility with handmade items (especially mine), I have almost zero-tolerance for wonky stitching in store-bought items.


Obviously the original front placket had to be removed (love my seam ripper, but this took me forever) and because the sleeves were way too long (the dress is a size 8/9 years dress for my 6 years old girl) I decided to cut and hem them with a Liberty ruffle (the Liberty fabric was also a left-over from a previous project). The ruffle is attached to the sleeve keeping the open sides aligned with the sleeve seam (I cut the ruffle using 1,5 times the sleeve measurement and double my desired length – the ruffle cuff is folded).


As the front placket was gone (yeah!), I knew it would be a good opportunity for adding a pretty collar. Because I didn’t want to deconstruct the neck ribbing (and the fit was actually not so bad on my girl), I decided to sew the neck ruffle on top of the collar.

For the collar I cut one piece that doubled the size of the neckline and the ruffle width was actually determined by the fabric I had left 😉 Obviously, I needed to add a lace trim, serge the edges, gather the top and sew it carefully with my regular sewing machine, but these were all very simple steps that actually had a big impact in the final result.

DSC_1726And voilá!


My original idea, when I started this refashion project, was to transform the “rejected” dress into a T-shirt (with a little peplum), but as soon as my girl saw the “new” dress, I wasn’t “allowed” to refashion it anymore 😦


As most things in life, the original dress only needed a few touches to become her “new favorite” dress!

So, I did let her have her way, for the time being…


I still want to crop it into a T-shirt – she doesn’t have many T-shirts in her closet and this should look quite lovely paired with jeans -but I know how to be patient 😉


Hope you love it as much as I we do.

Don’t forget to check Magda’s blog for more refashion, and the ones made by two very talented ladies: Inês ❤ and Sara 


Thank you so much for the invitation, Magda!

xo, Happy Refashion,

Ana Sofia

Refashion month

27 thoughts on “Refashion Week at House of Estrela

  1. O que era um vestido sem graça, ficou super amoroso! E tão simples de fazer… Acho que essa ideia de transformá-lo numa T-shirt também deve ficar muito original.

  2. O que uma boa ideia faz a uma peça de roupa pouco interessante! Ficou tão giro 🙂

  3. Grande refashion, Ana Sofia! Incrível como só mudando os detalhes o vestido ficou tão diferente e tão giro! Adoro o liberty que usaste. É talvez o meu preferido. Boa!

    1. O vestido tem uma malha óptima e apesar de ser um tamanho grande, até lhe ficava bem. O problema eram mesmo as mangas (enormes) e o detalhe da frente. Eu já não tenho quase nada deste Liberty, mas acho que vou usar todos os pedacinhos mesmo até ao fim (também adoro!)

  4. Espectacular! Como é que o mesmo vestido com umas poucas alteraçoes fica amoroso… Espero que a pessoa que ofereceu o vestido nao leia o teu blog! LOL

  5. Adorei!!! Ficou tão perfeito! O liberty é maravilhoso e combina super super bem com a malha. Também vejo o potencial da camisola com uns jeans deve ficar o máximo mas o vestido está muito giro.

    1. Obrigada Inês!! E sim, acho mesmo que, neste caso, vai haver uma segunda refashion – nem que seja quando lhe ficar demasiado curto 😉

  6. Ana, obrigado por mais uma vez aceitares fazer parte desta série. Adorei, de forma tão simples conseguiste dar-lhe a vossa cara, sim porque a filhota sabe bem o que quer e adorei que ela tb tenha feito parte do processo.

    1. Eu é que agradeço Magda! És sempre uma fonte de inspiração!
      Tinha este vestido de parte há imenso tempo, e precisava mesmo deste “empurrão” para lhe fazer algo. E sim, apesar de não ter conseguido fazer o Refashion que pretendia, gosto imenso que ela participe no processo 😉

  7. Great refashion…it really is an ugly duckling tale come true!!!! I´m certanly going to visit your friends blog… i´m learning portuguese right now so this is an excellent chance to practice it, while enjoy other of my favorite things….SEWING!!!!

    1. Thank you Vanessa!
      Practicing a foreign language with sewing blogs is a trick that works for me as well 🙂
      PS: Portuguese is not an easy language. Boa sorte 😉

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