
Townmouse Patterns | Henri Long Shorts (and a discount code)

I’ve already posted here about the newly released Townmouse patterns and today I’m back to show you the Henri Long Shorts for boys 🙂

I often get asked if I only sew for my girl (as there are also two older boys) and to be honest I still sew for my boys.

unfortunately, the options are pretty much limited when it comes to boys and because I have a more classic approach to fashion (some would call it “conservative”), sewing for my boys is not as much fun… I find it extremely difficult to find fabrics that met my (and their) standards with a good quality/price ratio so purchasing clothes for them has become a sound option for us (i.e. less expensive and much less consuming).

Of course, I’m not saying than sewing for a girl is less expensive than purchasing, but then there’s the “fun factor” involved and I absolutely love it!

Nevertheless, my boys (8 and 14) still ask me to sew for them. And I happily oblige.

Currently, I mostly sew shorts, pajamas and coats (shirts, pants and tee-shirts and polo shirts are store-bought) for my boys (ages 8 and 14), so when Kristine contacted me for testing the Henri long shorts, my younger boy literally jumped with joy!

Henri shorts

Henri long shorts feature a timeless design  that pleased us both – he loved the new length and the patch front pockets (big enough for him).

Unlike his younger sister, this precious boy is tiny and skinny so when measuring these shorts I mixed two different sizes (size 6 for the waist and size 8 for the length), and although I believe these may still be a bit too long on him, he obviously love them exactly as they are (“I grow fast, mum! Don’t worry …”).


I have a weakness for seersucker (so practical for summer wear) and light colors for boys so I picked a light blue seersucker for this pair (these pictures were taken after a few hours of active wearing these shorts, so please ignore the stains).


Nevertheless, and because I’m totally hopeless when it comes to girl sewing, I did sew another Isabella blouse for my girl. In my defense, I had a great excuse: I was testing the inset ruffle option …

Ruffle Isabella#1

I had saved a bit of Liberty Capel from a previous project (almost 3 years ago) that was just enough for the blouse. The color (green) is not amongst my girl favorites, but I knew it would match several bottoms in her closet, so I didn’t even think twice about it. (luckily, she loved it).

Ruffle Isabella#2

Townmouse is offering 10% off any patterns purchased before Sunday 16th August with the coupon code “hellohenri”. Enjoy 🙂


Happy sewing,

Ana Sofia

3 thoughts on “Townmouse Patterns | Henri Long Shorts (and a discount code)

  1. Your son looks adorable in the shorts. That’s exactly the European look my godmother’s son used to wear, with the loafers and polo shirt, that inspired the pattern. Divine.

    1. Thank you so much for the opportunity Kristine! I may have forgot to add how simple the pattern actually is to sew (I made him another pair the morning before we left for holidays).
      My boy loves these shorts – he picks the clothes by himself, so this is actually the way he loves to wear them (he’s my little fashionista).

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